Executable file
Windows executable (
The BREW Application executable file is a native win 32 dll file, when you compile the application using a Microsoft C/C++ compiler to run in the BREW Simulator.
ARM executable (
The BREW Application executable file is a native ARM Module file, when you compile the application using a ARM compiler to run in the Phone
MIF file (
MIF is the Module Information File of your application. As the name suggests it holds the information about your application like Applet name, Class ID, Icon, Privileges, Notification flags, dependencies etc. The MIF file is generated using the BREW MIF Editor in BREW SDK Tools folder. In later versions of MIF Editor, the file generated will have a .mfx extension, you have to compile it to get the .mif file.
BID file (
Every BREW Application will have a BID file in the name
Resource file (.bar)
The Resource file contains the resources needed by your application like Strings, Images, Binary files, Objects etc. The Resource file is generated using the BREW Resource Editor in BREW SDK Tools folder. The Resource Editor will generate a .brx file, which is a XML file containing the definitions of the resources, this file is compiled to generate the .bar file.
Signature file (
The signature file is needed if you want to run your application in the phone. You can generate a signature file for your phone for from the Qualcomm's Website by entering your phones ESN. You need to be a authenticated BREW developer to generate a test signature file.
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